For this shoot I used a High key set up with a single spotlight to light my subject. I kept my shoot as simple and minimilistic as possible in order for the onlooker to focus on the subject itself rather than a whole image full of different things.However using a similar colour background on the bannana photographs contrast and bring out the vibrant colour in the bannanas more. As well as this the use of repetitive imagery as seen in the image of the bannanas and the kiwi fruit create even more of an engaging image for the onlooker almost having the same effect as the simplistic image. Placing my subject directly underneeth the spotlight worked best as it created images with no depth however they still created a captivating image.For this specific shoot I used an ISO on 800 a shutter speed of 1/125, my aperture was f5 and my white balance was pre set to match the white background.